With this package you can model and carry out structural analysis of single floor slab over columns, walls, beams and cores. Also, it can model rafts over continuous area Winkler springs.
The package inherits single-floor package features plus advanced modelling of soil and piles. Soil can be modelled as elastic half space. Also, the pile-pile interaction or the pile-soil-pile interaction can be taken into consideration.
The tool is used to analyze and design post-tensioned slabs. It could be linked with any package. Cables could be drawn in PLPAK GUI or imported from CAD file. Also, cables could be exported to Autodesk Revit.
Post-Tension Automation is a tool that can be added to the Post-Tension Tool to automatically draw post-tension cables (including automatic cable profiling) and design strips.
The tool is used to design slabs and beams based on ACI, EN and ECP codes. Check punching for irregular columns including warping effects. Check deflection for irregular spans. Export calculation sheets to excel and detailing to CAD or Autodesk Revit.
The open-source tool is used to visualize single-floor, multiple-floor or vertical elements results in 3D view. Also, it is linked to Design tool for the design of vertical elements.
With the SuperSubCoupling Tool you can obtain results of tall buildings on fixed base from Etabs or our Multiple-Floor (Fixed-Base) Package or any other software & link it directly to the Advanced Single-Floor (Foundation) Package or the Nonlinear Foundation Package.
1) After purchasing any of our packages, you will find a ticket system in your account that enables you to send us any problem by writing text or by attaching any attachments you want.
2) Through Skype.
3) Also, you can always contact us at plpak@be4e.com.